About jbhifi.com.au Promo Codes
JB Hi-Fi is an Australian CD, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, video game and consumer electronics chain store.JB Hi-Fi is the number 1 retailer of Apple Computer hardware in Australia, even more than Apple retail stores. JB Hi-Fi is also the sole retail chain in Australia that sells Dell Computer hardware in retail stores. JB Hi-Fi has diversified its business from predominantly selling music CDs, and are now a major retailer for Plasma and LCD televisions, audio/visual, digital camera photography, portable audio, in-car entertainment, computer/video games, DVD Blu-ray movies, gadgets and information technology. As of 2012, JB HiFi has diversified into other accessories, such as CB Radios, IP and fixed surveillance camera systems, musical instruments such as guitars, electronic keyboards, Ukeleles and guitars, and pro-dj equipment such as CD mixers, microphones and portable DJ P/A docking systems.
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